Napa County Resiliency Services


Shortly after the devastating Napa Fire Complex in 2017, On The Move mobilized a small cohort of staff to provide emergency financial assistance and bilingual/bicultural long-term disaster case management. Growing on this experience, we now activate our Napa County Resiliency Services in response to community needs resulting from wildfires, droughts, floods, Public Service Power Shutoffs (PSPS), Emergency Financial Assistance, and outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic. In collaboration with other nonprofits and a host of public/private funders, we stand ready to support the Napa County residents in addressing disaster recovery needs as they arise.

The following support services are activated in response to community need:

Napa County Resiliency Services are available Monday - Friday: 8:30AM-4:30PM (Closed for lunch 12-1PM)